SERNET-DN42 是一个全球运作的 DN42 网络。
SERNET-DN42 is a globally operating DN42 network.
AS Number:4242423947
maintenance information of SERNET-DN42 (EN ONLY)
不知道什么是 DN42 并且有加入的意向?请跳转到这里。
Don’t know what DN42 is and have will to joining in? Click here.
目录(Table of Contents)
- 站点地图(Site Map)
- 站点列表(Site List)CN | EN
- 默认对等策略(Default Peering Policy)
- 不支持跨地域连接的区域列表(The list of regions unsupported inter-region connection)CN | EN
- 路由策略(Routing Policy)
- SVGs
- DN42 101
- 相关链接
站点地图(Site Map)
站点列表 | EN
假如你的 ASN 为 4242420001 ,则我会默认将与你互联的 Wireguard 接口的侦听端口设定为 20001 。
节点名称 | 位置 | 公网终结点 | 隧道地址 | 公钥 | 支持特性 | 支持的连接方式 | 对等策略 | 路由策略 | 带宽 |
dg1.sherpherd.dn42 | 广东,东莞 | |, fe80::3947:2 | ccQKOkwJcFmLDVZJHnclgi6do6nlWVSM8o57/yHJNQE= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Zerotier | 选择性,只与中国大陆地区节点互联 | 默认 | 30Mbps |
hk1.sherpherd.dn42 | 香港 | |, fe80::3947:1 | Lz/SPcnKfbp4Z6LW7gysFxhyJXfyoett18r3kvlZcBY= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 默认 | 默认 | 30Mbps |
kr1.sherpherd.dn42 | 韩国,首尔 | |, fe80::3947:5 | 8yPUQU9Vg6rmZ03F+JyQjGUzIIZnt8AA6xqTmbBxClg= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 默认 | 默认 | 1Gbps |
de1.sherpherd.dn42 | 德国 | |, fe80::3947:6 | KCd+kXNhe48hwOWng77V9E94PszQBqQvJW42c1P+6nk= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 默认 | 默认 | 200Mbps |
us2.sherpherd.dn42 | 美国,弗吉尼亚州,马纳萨斯 | |, fe80::3947:7 | PXkGrHooCFnB6N8bD6isgVjhl9GvzD2CLqlA+e2XikM= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 默认 | 默认 | 200Mbps |
sh1.sherpherd.dn42 | 上海 | |, fe80::3947:3 | xFmYjFSIL9ycKnba8IgDj8Nu0c+Q8681kwseeql5mmY= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 选择性, 只与中国大陆地区节点互联 | Hot Potato | 50Mbps |
jp1.sherpherd.dn42 | 日本,东京 | |, fe80::3947:9 | qwrsDI3bkHDOXUldYGJPSM3hTI7KqDpYbNMzKzB1Uko= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | 默认 | 默认 | 500Mbps |
Site List | CN
By default, the port number of clearnet endpoint equals to 20000+(last 4 digits of your ASN)
For example, if you have your ASN 4242420001, I’ll set listen port 20001 on the Wireguard interface towards to you.
Node Name | Location | Clearnet Endpoint | Tunnel Addresses | Public Key | Supported Features | Supported Connection Method | Peering Policy | Routing Policy | Bandwidth |
dg1.sherpherd.dn42 | Dongguan ,Guangdong Province, China | |, fe80::3947:2 | ccQKOkwJcFmLDVZJHnclgi6do6nlWVSM8o57/yHJNQE= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Zerotier | Selective, only available for who has existing DN42 node in China Mainland | Default | 30Mbps |
hk1.sherpherd.dn42 | Hong Kong, China | |, fe80::3947:1 | Lz/SPcnKfbp4Z6LW7gysFxhyJXfyoett18r3kvlZcBY= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Default | Default | 30Mbps |
kr1.sherpherd.dn42 | Seoul, South Korea | |, fe80::3947:5 | 8yPUQU9Vg6rmZ03F+JyQjGUzIIZnt8AA6xqTmbBxClg= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Default | Default | 1Gbps |
de1.sherpherd.dn42 | Germany | |, fe80::3947:6 | KCd+kXNhe48hwOWng77V9E94PszQBqQvJW42c1P+6nk= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Default | Default | 200Mbps |
us2.sherpherd.dn42 | Manassas, VA, United States | |, fe80::3947:7 | PXkGrHooCFnB6N8bD6isgVjhl9GvzD2CLqlA+e2XikM= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Default | Default | 200Mbps |
sh1.sherpherd.dn42 | Shanghai, China | |, fe80::3947:3 | xFmYjFSIL9ycKnba8IgDj8Nu0c+Q8681kwseeql5mmY= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Selective, only available for who has existing DN42 node in China Mainland | Hot Potato | 50Mbps |
jp1.sherpherd.dn42 | Tokyo, Japan | |, fe80::3947:9 | qwrsDI3bkHDOXUldYGJPSM3hTI7KqDpYbNMzKzB1Uko= | Extended Nexthop, MP-BGP | Wireguard, Plain GRE/GRETAP, Zerotier | Default | Default | 500Mbps |
默认对等策略(Default Peering Policy)
Accept peering with any node have reasonable latency (<=80ms) except those nodes which in the region listed in “The list of regions unsupported inter-region connection”.
不支持跨地域连接的区域列表 | EN
- 中国大陆地区(单独列出的例外情况除外)
- 中东地区(单独列出的例外情况除外)
- 俄罗斯联邦远东地区(单独列出的例外情况除外)
- 非洲(单独列出的例外情况除外)
- 南美(单独列出的例外情况除外)
- 关岛
- 古巴
- 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜,北朝鲜)
- 南极洲
- 太空中的任何人造物体(举例,国际空间站)
- 水星
- 金星
- 月球
- 火星
- 木星
- 土星
- 天王星
- 海王星
- 冥王星
- 其它位于太阳系的卫星
- 太阳系之外的任何地方
- 2020年代之前的地球
The list of regions unsupported inter-region connection | CN
- China Mainland (Except the stated exceptions)
- Middle East (Except the stated exceptions)
- Far East of Russia Federation
- Africa (Except the stated exceptions)
- South America (Except the stated exceptions)
- Guam
- Cuba
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, aka North Korea)
- Antarctica
- Any human-made objects in space (For example, ISS)
- Mercury
- Venus
- Moon
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- Other satellites in solar system
- Anywhere outside the solar system
- The earth before 2020s
- 使用 IPLC 等方式拥有与你想要连接的 SERNET-DN42 节点同一地域的 IP 地址且延迟可以接受。(Use methods like IPLC to obtain an availiable IP address in same region of the one SERNET-DN42 node you want to peer with, and the latency is also reasonable.)
路由策略(Routing Policy)
SERNET-DN42 的默认路由策略为 Hot-Potato Routing。这是 BGP 的默认路由策略,选取 AS-PATH 最短的路径,在此基础上尽可能使用 EBGP 路由。
而对于带有地域团体属性的路由,SERNET-DN42 采取 Cold-Potato Routing 的策略。尽可能将报文在自治系统内部传输,以期求基于地域的更优的流量路径。
The default routing policy of SERNET-DN42 is Hot-Potato Routing. This is the default routing policy of BGP, choose the path with shortest AS-PATH, and use EBGP route as much as possible on this basis.
For those routes with region communities, SERNET-DN42 take Cold-Potato Routing policy. Transmit the packet within AS as much as possible to optimize the traffic path based on region.
DN42 101
- DN42 介绍(Introduction of DN42)CN | EN
- (WIP) 注册 DN42 网络信息(DN42 Network Information Registry)CN | EN
- (WIP) DN42 节点基本设置(DN42 Node Basic Setup)CN | EN
- (WIP) 寻找 Peer(Find Peer)CN | EN
- (WIP) 设置 Peer(Setup Peer)CN | EN
- (WIP) 内部互联设置(Setup Internal Peer)CN | EN
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